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Pam Grimwood
Pam Grimwood ·

As we linger in the last days of winter, lets spend them READING!
Hi Everyone, welcome to READING, I'm excited to be joining Wesley as a co-host of this space.

A bit about me, I'm an avid reader, mother or two boys, the oldest finishing his first year of University and the youngest heading off in September. I moved to Guelph in 2023 when I married my husband who grew up here. I love Guelph and all it has to offer. I love that we have the amenities of a city with the small town feel that I grew up with. You will likely see me active in a few SPACES as I enjoy cooking and baking as well.

Share with us your latest read, even if you didn't enjoy it, someone else in the group just might. Remember though....... NO SPOILERS!!
Looking forward to some great interaction and conversation as we get started.

beautiful brunette girl reading book and drinking coffee in bed in the mornin
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