Honestly, I usually have 3 books on the go. One is paper, one is e-book and one is audiobook!
I love the kobo! I also have a stand for it and a little clicker so you can get cozy and still flip the page without having to hold it (maybe I'm just lazy).
I have a Spotify subscription and with it you get 15 hours of audiobook listening a month. I have really enjoyed it!

Can I ask you what version of kobo you have? Battery life and storage are my concern. Do you delete books you've read or keep them on it? How many books can you store? Do you download several waiting to be read? How have you found the battery life?

@Pam Grimwood I think I have a Kobo Clara, just the black and white one. Although the colour one is gorgeous! I've never had a problem with storage.
I read a lot of ARCs and library books which expire so I'm usually keeping up with removal but I have a ton of books, but haven't had an issue.
I will often keep the books on there. If I was prompted about storage I would probably do a little purge of the ones that weren't my favourites. I think
How do you like to read?
Years ago I tried an ereader and didn't love it, but it was early days of ereaders and maybe I need to try again. Loosing the ability to read when we were camping didn't work for me, clearly I didn't think it through. Having to keep it charged was too much! It was in the days before you could charge devices everywhere. I've made the plunge into audiobooks and love to listen while tackling mundane tasks like cleaning, or folding laundry. For me audiobooks have their time and place but nothing beats a good book! The feel of it in my hands, the smell of the pages, my favorite bookmark waiting for me. Love a physical book! Even the purchase and placing of the books on my giant bookshelf waiting to be read. (I'll share a picture of that craziness one day soon)
Whats your preference? Should I retry an ereader? If so which one, there are so many...?? Where do you get your audiobooks; library app, a curated site? Can't wait to hear your tips!