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Pam Grimwood
Pam Grimwood ·

Welcome to BAKING, I'm excited to be your host! I've always had a passion for baking and cooking, dating back the 1970's when I would spend week long sumer "vacations" with my maternal grandparents and helped my grandpa cook meals. My mom taught me to bake, and growing up we almost always had home baked cookies in the house for after school snacks! Now as my sons are grown and my time as a sports parent are coming to an end I hope to have more time to bake.

"Baking may be regarded as a science, but its the chemistry betweek the ingredients and the cook that gives desserts life. Baking is done out of love, to share with family and friends, to them smile" - Anna Olson

From just snacks in the kitchen, to christmas cookie exchanges or pandemic bread whats your favorite thing to back? Or maybe more importantly whats you favorite baked good to eat? Cant wait to learn from all of you!!

Lets get baking, and sharing!

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